Student Resources:
- PBS Kids - Another great site for games, videos and articles for kids.
- The College Foundation of North Carolina - A fun resource for kids to explore careers options through "Paws in Jobland" and money saving tips with "Fat Cat".
- Pacer's National Bullying Prevention Center - Find videos, music videos and articles on how to stop bullying.
- Kid President - A fun site to remind you that kids can change the world!
- We Do Listen Foundation - Read aloud stories about Howard B. Wigglebottom, interactive games, puzzles, music coloring printables, and more!
- Mind Yeti - An app for mindfulness and meditation. Try out their free version!
- Cosmic Kids Yoga Channel - Fun and free mindfulness and relaxation videos.
- Breathe, Think and Do App - Developed by Sesame Street, it provides an awesome way for kids to work through 5 scenarios, deep breathe, and problem solve.